Welcome to OMYoga Center Celje
Contact: Mateja Kreuh, 00386 51 622 348, mateja@omyoga.si
Welcome to OMYoga Studio!
It starts with first yoga classes. Strange feeling when everyone sings OM but you are not into singing it because you do not know its meaning or you may think you do not know how to sing. After a while you start feeling the vibrations of your energy centers, chakras when you sing OM and see the light in your third eye. When you sing mantra it opens your heart and you feel vibrations all over your body. When you still in a certain asana and propper stretch the pleasant sensation overwhelms every cell of your body. Then you can hardly wait for another class! You start reading and exploring, yourSelf! You realize you are more than just a physical body. Slowly you begin to realise your purpose here and now. This is what happened to me. I became a thankful media of this wonderful, ancient phylosophy of nonviolence, love for all that exists, love for the Nature, endless learning and exploring material and nonmaterial dimensions.
Yoga is presence and a path of YourSelf. With us you get the directions, then you explore for YourSelf.
Always Welcome!
Mateja, the Founder of OMYoga Center Celje
Contact: mateja@omyoga.si , mobile 00386 51 622 348